Potential Contest

Hello all! I'm Kelsie and these are my thoughts.

So... I think I wanna host a contest. A contest for people who have a love for music and singing. Whether you're professionally trained, a karaoke regular, or you just like to sing in the shower, this contest is for you.

Rules are as follow:

  1. Please follow me on Twitter (@daringndreaminx)
  2. Once you follow me, please DM me with your email so I can contact you.
  3. Upload a video of you singing one of your favorite songs to YouTube (you can leave it unlisted but NOT private (because duh) if you'd prefer)
    • My preferred songs would be Lady Gaga's Million Reasons, Pentatonix's Run to You or their version of the late Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah but it's up to you.
    • You don't have to make a fancy video if you don't want or can't afford to or use fancy equipment. Just use what you got! 
  4. Email it to kpconcert@gmail.com.You can also just upload the audio file to Soundcloud and email the link to the same address.
  5. You have until June 17th. The five best videos will be promoted on this blog for the first two weeks of July.

That's all! Feel free to email me at kparks0527@gmail.com or DM me on Twitter @daringndreaminx if you have any questions. Best of luck to you all!


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