What I Would Do If I Was A Famous YouTuber

Hello all! I'm Kelsie and these are my thoughts.

This is going to be a different type of blog post. In this post, I will be telling you all what I would do if I ever became a famous YouTuber.

First off, my channel name would be the same as my Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat handle @daringndreaminx. On that channel, I would talk about music, sports and books. My channel upload would be like this:

Monday: Album/Song review
Wednesday: NHL/NBA discussion
Friday: Book review

Ideally, my first video would be like my first blog post here: an introduction to me and what they can expect on my channel. I wouldn't really attract that big of a crowd until I decide to do a react video to Taylor Swift's reputation. From there, my channel would explode and I would gain subscribers at a rate that would make PewDiePie jealous. I'd never forget to make sure that my audience feels loved and respected. I'd treat them like friends rather than just dollar signs. Once I got to a relatively comfortable place, I'd dial back the videos a bit (with my audience's blessing of course) and still make sure that they are the best videos that I can make them.Once I reach about eighteen million subscribers, I would give back to smaller YouTubers by shouting out ones that I feel deserve more attention. My fanbase would be one of the most respectful in the YouTube community due to me keeping a tight grip on them and no harassment on my behalf would be allowed under any circumstances (although constructive criticism would always be welcome.)

But let's face facts here:  I would never cut it as a pro YouTuber. I don't have nearly enough resources (or the attention span) to make it work. While I'd like to think I have a pretty good work ethic, my trust in YouTube and its algorithm is kinda shaky at the moment due to the whole adpocalypse bullshit going on where people are getting demonetized for no adequately explained reason.

So until YouTube gets its shit together, I think that I'll stick to blogging for now.

Thanks for reading! More thoughts coming soon!


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